Since I dont play NS anymore besides 2 or 3 games when nothing is left. I dont really care for it now. Back in the days when i was learning it I played for real cuz it was fun. All games nowadays not worth trying it doesnt really matter who I play.
Now im back to chowar and reg and shits and these Nsers that think they no me or something calling me an nser. Only ppl that knows me are ppl on my AIM/yahoo/MSN. The rest I donno you. You might no me from the sites i make but dont say that u no me. Yes u heard of me but keep it real if i never talk to you daily or form time to time. I donno you.
This being said. I started AOE playing REGWars and shit. Was fucking hard to learn all that crap. Thats why u be seeing me in REGwar games and RC and shits nowadays. Then as Cho got popular I started playing that for few years. Then I went to NS, which had too many cry babies and knobs at the time. That was the only reason I made NS tips website. Same goes for Cho website, I've seen a lot of cho players got better, I donno if it was my site or not but it helps aoe thats all it matters.
Back in the days I saw alot of NS teachers and student and shits. Mostly the guys that wanted to teach wanted to take credit if there students that got better and shits. I dont like to do that. Plus most of them that teach NS was dumbasses anyways. They even consider showing them one start and that make them there student and shits. If they give you credit thats there thing. but to say that you trained them thats just retarded.
I hate dumb people. Acting dumb is one thing being dumb is another. Even if your an educated. Still theres dumb people there also known as educated idiots. I kinnda like ppl with street smarts more then booksmarts. Because they can adapt to just about any place. Usually the lazy ppl are the best ones. Without them you wouldnt have Cars and TV and shits. I mean some lazy ass out there was like man I fucking hate walking to work or someshit then nigga made a car. Same with anything thats consider lazy nowadays. So dont be fooled, lazy is good. Just not too lazy like me.
The keyboard should be converted back to "abcdef" order not "qwerty" Most of you might not know this but the keyboard was setup like a type writer. People in the stoneage used type writers but if they mess up they have to redo everything. So ppl was typing to fast and made a lot of accidents. So they design this crap we go so we can be slower. Thats not efficient nowadays.
Although it would not help us, that are use to it. For new ppl that just started using an "abc" keyboard would be best. All the fuckin letters are in order.
End of my Rant
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Random Ranting by Bonster
Posted by
10:42 PM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Assassin's Creed Fuckers
Man them bitches push the release date back to March now. Fuckin gay shits.
Posted by
7:26 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
References: Firefox Extension
Posted by
7:04 PM
Labels: addon, bonster, extension, firefox, open source, plugin, software
Lazy Shits - Pimp Your Lazyness
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Offical Cho Concepts Updated
Yep now is been 1 year since I started the shit. So I updated a few new shits and also left out a few that I got lazy. Next time when im bored then.
Click on the right side link. Or Here
Saturday, January 12, 2008
RusH Trying to Cash his Checks
So We was Playing REG II, This fool was Persain, Which he didnt even no how to use and was telling me how to play my Hit civ. This is his game plan during that game. Pop dumbos and attacking random spots then out of food so he keep asking our team. He probally think he was MVP of that game but the truth was he was the most stupidest one. Asking for food every 3secs yea thats some real persians skills right there son. Then when he loses he blaming me and shit.So then he was asking me to 1v1 persian war and shit. I guess he thinks I donno how to play other civs. For a guy that talks alot of shit he was scared to play me. It took a while because other ppl was talking shit about his wack ass.
So I can tell he was scared with his knob ass Persain. He started making boats and shit in game so that the game would be cancle, which it did. This is what knobs do to delay the pain.So then we got our cho game going.
Used Minimal skills and still win. Thats how sad it is. When im not even trying.He was trying so hard with his sneaks and run and shit all of which you can tell nigga was scared to death. For a shittalker he not scared of no1 but when it comes to cashing his checks, Well thats a different story. He cant comprehend why he lost. The answer is simple ur shit.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Hey you with the Hair
Got myself a Haircut is been like 2months. Teeth super yello again need to brush it later tonight. PLus clean my room and shit. Its winter cleaning. Still cold here and even colder with my hair chopped off.
Comic Mangas and Porn! using ComicRack
Been checking out Silver Surfer Requiem, Marvel,DC Comix
Stoped with Naruto Managas
Anime Porn Mangas
So I started getting into comix and mangas and shits, Mostly porn comix. Using Windows PhotoViewer to read is pretty gay. I started using this software call "CDisplay" for the most part is good, if you sit at your computer to read comix. But for me I be on my bed reading and this software doesnt got a zoom feature builtin. Right now im using Adobe Reader to read from my bed but is still too much hassel to convert images to PDF to view these shits. So Decided to try some new shits and turns out. This new shit i found is even better. Is call "ComicRack." Almost exactly everything I wanted them to do. Fucking auto scroll left to right just like u do when u fucking reading. Imma set it up to read with my ATI remote. It also index ur comix collection similar to itunes for music. So get this if your a comix reader or ebook reader. I would however like to get me one of those Ebook Device like the Amazon Kindle,Sony Reader, or the Linux iLiad shit. But them bitches cost like 400bones so eff that shitss. For that price I get a Asus EEE PC.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Cracking Forum - knoB haCkeR
Alright so I was saying how there rules of making ppl post 30 useless post just to get access to come decent content sucks. Comparing to other sites, then these niggas trying to make me scared with ban threats and shit like I ever care about those loL. So "rBD" was smart enough to sit out once he no he was getting owned. Then his homie comes in talking about he gonna hack into my computer and some Bullshit. These knob ass click and click hackers dont scared me. Knob ass is not like he is Tormentium or someshit. Talking all big and crap rofl fake ass newb hacker wannabe, that cant even get my ip how sad is that shit.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Old Rivalry for the New Year
Last week was pretty fun. Started an old rivalry again.
So we was talk about old aoe days. Then I was saying how I use to play with old pardners like print skywalker trajek crook and shits. Then this fool TnT_ML (aka __G_G__) was all saying they had big egos. Then im like yes they do but so do you so why u even talking. He was like when have i ever had a ego trip. Then i told him when u was talking shit to me that one time and I kick your ass. Then nigga got mad I guess. Then we started the game His team (HeavenSetia, ML, NYC) vs My team (Bonster, UPS Diablo, UPS Piku6969). I didnt care about teams just play it shit.
So the game starts and I can tell he was mad but he couldnt do shit but run in the whole game and ran out of food so he started asking his pardners and shit. So my team lose of course. Then 2nd game was his team (ML, milkyway,NYC) vs my team same shit. I was fighting milkyway then got double by him and my pards dont even do shit. So we lost again. loL so I went to take a shit after that and when I came back I saw this shit on my screen.Ok so I round up my guys to play his team see if he can do shit. And damn as soon as I do look at him complaining about stacked teams. I wonder why he didnt complain when I had my other team? Atleast his team can fucking block my old team was like gone in 6mins. Oh yea when is in his favor he doesnt complain. He even says he roll me 2x (read above) ok thats pretty funny if u consider that rolling me LMAO I wasnt even fighting him the 2nd game.
So he says Bonster u only talk shit thats all u good at. Im like ok we can do this 1v1 style and nigga said no. I dont blame him cuz he knows what happen a few years back when he did accept the 1v1. And he said he didnt have a ego problem. ML u remember it now son?
Cho Concepts
So I just notice is almost been a year since I made my Cho concept site. Fuck is been that long. So I though I would add some new shits in a few days. So check back probally Sunday night or sometime next week. Ill have some new shit updated. Ill see what niggas still doing wrong in game or maybe bust out all my tricks but might not be good for me since niggas will block all my shits loL. Same shit happen when I made my NS tips shit. Plus i got bored of NS anyways and AOE for the most part.
Posted by
2:15 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
Admin Abuse - Gag Ban and Perm Ban ROFLMAO
Weak ass powers. I just change ips and names and im back. Yay!
loL i like him more when he was making cheats and shit. What happen to that nigga? Lost your l33tness?Got Banned or was it Muted or watever form IGZ forum. I knew he would edit so I took an SS early on. Just because I call you a gay ass doesnt mean I hate gay people. Same with niggas. The point im making is getting mad over a word unless ur still a slave get over it. You think black people are not racist they fall back on there history as a scapegoat and they call u chinks slanted eye I experience it all I dont give a shit. Im not saying everyone but when the time comes they gonna use the race card. Just look at OJ Simpson.
This is what I see from you:
1) saying "nigger" is offensive to blacks. And you ban people for saying that.
2) saying "gay" I dont see you banning ppl for saying that? thats offensive to gay ppl I guess. loL
3)Be consistent or stop being lame fool.
I remember my Latino homie was about to fight a Black guy. And the crowd in the school was all watching. And before the fight they was talking shit. The black guy call him a Boarder hopper and some shit about Burrito loL. Then he call him a fucking nigger monkey trash. Then the crowd was like damn the latino guy is racist. I dont understand it they both gonna fight anyways. It really doesnt matter what your gonna call each other.This was like the 1st time IGZ opened. What a knob ass GUI. I had to highlight the words just to read it. Honestly If Torm and M0d didnt come to help these knob asses out we would still be using this buggy ass client or better GSA. So in this SS I tryed to flood see if it crash the client it was so buggy it lagged the whole lobby so this fool had to gag me loL
Some one on GSA told me if you call John a nigga you will get ban, So I though I try it out see if this virgin actually does it. Well I guess it worked, what a dumbass.
Me getting ban from AOe:Dawn of Man forum cuz i told some one you can download aoe off the net for FREE. They said dont say that in here we dont accept illegal shits. Damn talk about dumb. They crack into the Aoe files to edit the Aoe game and units to make an Expansion they calling it "Dawn of Man" and shit and they say im doing illegal shits? the fuck up dumbass bitches.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
AOE Pop 300 - YES 300 !!! NOT 200 or 255
This will give you pop300 ingame even if the host only has pop200.
As you know pop200 is easy and so is pop 255 but now yes we have pop 300!
This is a registry file similar to the pop200 one.
1) Unzip
2) Run the reg file to add
3) Reboot
4) Once your back into windows press the hotkey to activate the pop300
Hotkey: Hold down Right Ctrl and hit Scroll Lock twice
Then you will have pop300 Enjoy everyone!
Happy New years =)
Download Here