Friday, February 29, 2008

References: Asus EEE Links

Full Desktop Mode
Suspend Off/black lid auto
Suspend Off (old)
Boot Last Mode used (adv/easy)

Full Desktop:


  1. Open up a terminal buy pressing Ctrl+Alt+T
  2. Type "sudo bash" to gain root access (Be careful what you do with root access. The only reason we're using it now is so that you don't have to type sudo before each command. But you could easily mess up your machine if you perform every command as an administrator)
  3. Type "apt-get update" to make sure you have access to the most up to date packages
  4. Type "apt-get install kicker" and answer "y" when asked if you want to install
  5. Type "apt-get install ksmserver" and answer "y" when asked if you want to install
  6. Type exit to leave the root account
  7. Type exit to close your terminal window

*******************Suspend Off/Lid Off Auto*************


1. Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+t) and type :
sudo cp /etc/acpi/ /etc/acpi/

NOTE: This makes a backup of the lid movement script (in case you goof – or don't like the changes you made)

NOTE: All this is easier (less chance of error) if you copy/paste from here to the terminal. Just remember that pasting in terminal is shift key+ins key

2. Now type:
sudo kwrite /etc/acpi/

NOTE: This will open a text editor so you can modify the file

3. In the text editor you should see:

LID_STATE=`cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state | awk '{print $2 }'`

if [ $LID_STATE = "closed" ] ; then
exit 0

4. Replace that with the following (copying and pasting is the easiest):

LID_STATE=`cat /proc/acpi/button/lid/LID/state | awk '{print $2 }'`

if [ $LID_STATE = "closed" ] ; then
# All the lines below must have the # in front to leave the computer on upon lid closure
# Delete the # before the line below to let the computer suspend to ram on lid closure
# /etc/acpi/
# Delete the # before the line below to let the computer shutdown on lid closure
# sudo /sbin/
su user -c "DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force suspend"
elif [ $LID_STATE = "open" ] ; then
su user -c "DISPLAY=:0 xset dpms force on"
exit 0

NOTE: All the lines with # in front of them are automatically wordwrapped due to the size of this screen. They are actually one complete line...

5. Save your changes (in the editor menu, select "File", then "save")
6. Quit the text editor (select "quit" from the menu)
7. Exit terminal (type "exit", then )
8. Re-boot your PC


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Decoding IGZ "Code of Conduct"

So Ok these admins think they pretty smart with always misdirecting people to read the IGZ CoCs. So I decided to read it see if they really follow what they do. Well u guess it they dont follow what they preach.

I posted Fullversion AOE and others have done also with GR and Nahoo website to download full AOE. You wont see anyone getting ban over this. Even a MOD posted cracks in forum. They must of edit in the forum but here is the SS b4 it was edit. So no u dont get ban for this crap. IGZ stop wasting ppls time.

"You may not use profanity or bypass the software-based censor." Clearly this admin with his wack rap uses the word "shit" and he try to bypass censor also by using a$$. Yea you wont see him banning himself anytime soon. Who is this admin u ask? Well Im not one to name names so look for yourself. He wrote the COC and broke his own rule? lmaO

I can go on but clearly these COCKs rules are a joke.
So next time they tell you to read COCs give them a link to this post.

Perm Ban - Hall of Fame

JeanneDarc wants to play lawyer?

1)Alright if he wants to play it that way.
"Code of conduct" only applys on IGZ, my blog is outside of IGZ therefor is not against the rules. So for him to tell people about IGZ CoC? My blog is Freedom of spit here loL. Dont try to pull the CoC crap or ill give u C-O-C-K nigger.

2) This is kinnda stupid if u got problems with Admins u ask other Admins to do what? They not gonna do nothing. You're as dumb as dirt if u think that actually works. Example: If u got a problem with a cop u gonna ask his cop freinds to kick him? Oh yea plz save me from your dumb logic. loL

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dumb Bitch JeanneDarc

Is funny how John stop banning me and got his new bitch to ban for him. Im glad she knows her role. What a dumb bitch. loL

Reason for Ban is "Evasion of Ban" lmao. Just call it what it is you dumb slut, "admin abuse" and get on with your life.

Asus EEE 4G (Galaxy Black)

Im getting horny waiting for my new baby to come today.

Finally I can take a shit and surf the net. My dream will be completed. loL

Monday, February 25, 2008

Nigga plz

Thursday, February 21, 2008

JohntheNothing Was Nothing too easy!


loL Oh im not surprise

READ KhiemTran Blog reply hehe WEBLINK

She claims to be an honest admin. Yet she abuse it more then anyone. Do u no the reason why she kicks or ban people? Is really because she hates hearing the truth so she resort to her nerdy admin powers to save herself from the embarrassment of the lobby. loL GG son

Friday, February 8, 2008

Lucky Guess??!?!?

So I saw his fool in game by himself so I was just playing around saying "Testing cheats." I guess he got something to hide that bad to take it too seriously. Too easy to read.

nake insurance

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Asian New Year 2008

Finally this my year baby.

Year of the rat niggas!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

UFC 81

ML got owned toO Hard.

So I was cooping [poor]diablO then nigga owned _G_G_ so hard that he made excuses about me playing in his place. Then after the game he was asking him for tips and shit. Damn thats some hard ownage.

knob Rusth with bad lies