Make Sure to Not Disable The Timeout profile, if you are going to use the Delay Strokes as it depends on it. At Default is fine
= Simple Stroke, Blue is the starting point, Green is ending, Release Trigger Button Quickly
= Delay Stroke, same as simple stroke but the Trigger Button is held and not release while doing the stroke.
= Button Stroke, the # represents the buttons on the mouse 1=left, 2=middle, 3=right -- This one is no movement, so we have no blue-green strokes, how this works is using our Trigger Button + Another button on the mouse without a gesture, kind of like a button binding
= Delay Button Stroke, same as above but with an "X" which means we held it down without releasing the Trigger Button
= Advance Stroke, so this is a simple stroke + another Button on the mouse. This is mainly for gestures such as, windows resizing, highlighting, grouping windows, ring switcher. How is works is perform the Simple Stroke (without letting go of the TRIGGER button) and hit the other mouse button really quick. Ex: Hold Trigger Button dont let go, Draw "G", hit left button quick
= Advance Delay Stroke, same as above, just that is delay
Alternatively for the compiz zoom, u can do Button Stroke, no need for the simple stroke, then it will be exactly like the AeroZoom.
When your gestures deals with the Wheel Mouse to navigate (scroll up/down) , make sure the Gestures are the same, Such as this case the "R" is same on both, only Button is different.
The Scroll Options is pretty easy, Activate with a stroke then hold a button on your mouse and move mouse up/down to scroll quickly
Open Folders That you normally want quick access to
Make sure you have the Hotkeys setup in compiz to use the Group feature
All of this started, when i was looking at stupid things Ubuntu was doing -- buttons left and right and all that bullshit, since they replace it with nothing and no good reason other than we need that space to experiment? Well experiment first then dummies. Then I was looking at the Apple Magic Mouse (www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hExjHFst0g), great idea just that most people complain about the grip on the hands was bad, because it was mainly flat and not very curvy. The one thing i like about it was the scroll feature, it can detect the speed at which a user flicks, kinnda like on the iphone, android ...etc. Then there was talks about the Ubuntu right buttons was going to be ESFERA (www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/esfera-gesture-based-replacement-for.html). It sounded so stupid, basically you click+hold on a button then perform a gesture to close,minimize, maximize, that would be slower then the buttons we have now. So with that in mind, I remember EasyStrokes that I used in the past, back then it was a bit slow, now is decent, Im not on Lucid yet, but would really want to try the new EasyStroke version 5 they got, should be stable.
So for the past month I been experimenting with the different type of program to bind with. Mainly trying to be productive with it balancing gestures to use with my needs. The Advance gestures are pretty cool, after you understand how to use them. It was a bit confusing reading about it on the official Easystroke Website. Personally for this type of thing, a video is best suited. I will do a new video after i think i got it all down. I did one in the past but that was only for basic stuff (video www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdomiISPKhY). Also just saw this video today on AeroZoom (www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ovr40yXAzk) i liked the idea of that, however the way they had to bind the buttons was not comfortable, LEFT Button + Middle Scoll? loL. Good Thing is Compiz and EasyStroke Advance Gestures can do that also but you can use what every buttons you wish.
Is it possible for you to post a list of all the different gestures you are using? I'm interested in seeing what you have. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteexcuse me for disturbing please, tell me please do you have some clues for this issue please? http://askubuntu.com/questions/838781/right-click-on-the-touch-screen-doesnt-work.
I've tried to resolve it with easystroke, but couldn't do it, if you can guide me please a little bit.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate, and wish you all the best.