Sunday, October 23, 2011

Trying out SyntaxHighlighter on Blogger

I used this tut,
1. Blogger dashboard
2. Templates
3. Edit HTML
then get code from

make sure to make your code html friendly, otherwise formatting might be shit

#   This file echoes a bunch of color codes to the
#   terminal to demonstrate what is available.  Each
#   line is the color code of one forground color,
#   out of 17 (default   16 escapes), followed by a
#   test use of that color on all nine background
#   colors (default   8 escapes).
# Taken from the Bash Prompt HOWTO:

T='gTk'   # The test text

echo -e "\n                 40m     41m     42m     43m\
    44m     45m     46m     47m";

for FGs in '    m' '   1m' '  30m' '1;30m' '  31m' '1;31m' '  32m' \
           '1;32m' '  33m' '1;33m' '  34m' '1;34m' '  35m' '1;35m' \
           '  36m' '1;36m' '  37m' '1;37m';
  do FG=${FGs// /}
  echo -en " $FGs \033[$FG  $T  "
  for BG in 40m 41m 42m 43m 44m 45m 46m 47m;
    do echo -en "$EINS \033[$FG\033[$BG  $T  \033[0m";

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Auto Get Missing Launchpad GPG PPA Keys

GPG error message looks something like this

W: GPG error: maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 976B5901365C5CA1

I forgot who i jack this command from but to get it setup just add this to your .bashrc file

#Auto Get Missing PPA LaunchPad GPG Keys
alias autokey='sudo apt-get update 2> /tmp/keymissing; for key in $(grep "NO_PUBKEY" /tmp/keymissing |sed "s/.*NO_PUBKEY //"); do echo -e "\nProcessing key: $key"; gpg --keyserver --recv $key && gpg --export --armor $key | sudo apt-key add -; done'

You can choose these mirror servers to get gpg keys, if the official one ever goes offline #(replace with your country code fr, en, de,etc)

This has been submitted to my commandlinefu account also, come vote it up bitches =)

For ppl that donno how to use Alias, is pretty simple just watch this sucker

You been officially pimp mama *pop collar*

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Commandlinefu page

This is a digg like website for command lines, that should work on any *nix type operating system. Is very cool to discover new commands by other mostly linux users. It is mainly bash commands for the most part, good way to build up your .bashrc files

Anyways heres my page, ill add it to the side links also, come vote for me bitches haha

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Exercise Ball As Chair

Havent bloggy in a while, but wanted to blog a bit more this year, only cause it will make me be active on doing something rather than nothing. Anyways so it started when i got my back fucked up again loL. Decided to do something about it this time instead of the usual that doesnt really solve anything. At first I though of getting the Yoga Ball as a way to exercise my core therefore have a stronger lower back, but i knew theres a possibility that i wouldnt workout on it consistently. Then reading some read reviews on people were using it as a chair, and said to help there lower back. Seems easy enough so i got a yoga ball now as a chair and a workout ball. Its like 20bones for it anti burst. I got the TKO 65cm ball from Make sure to get the ball size thats the right height for you. It usually comes in 55cm, 65cm, 75cm. So short,average, tall.

4'8'' to 5'3''   - 55 cm ball
5'4'' to 5'10  - 65 cm ball
5'10 to 6'4   - 75cm ball

As far as does it really work to help your back. Im not sure, I have to try it for awhile b4 i can say its legit. So until then i will try to replace this as my chair. They say to work your way up to replacing it not a 1day process. So im thinking. The first few days im just gonna use it for like an hour or so. Then 2 hours next time to build up my comfort zone until i can replace the chair completely. Kind o reminds me of when trying to switch from Windows to Linux, the struggle haha

The End, Watch this video