Saturday, April 3, 2010

0AD Linux RTS Game - Pre Alpha - Non Playable

Just tried this alpha release, man this game has be long in the making. It was around 2007 when i heard of this game. Only now has it came out with alpha build to mess around. I'm a huge RTS fan, Although im not into those modern ones with the age of artillery or guns. Its all about swords and arrows for me. I was on this drug called Age of Empire lmao for like 10yrs i believe. Would still be playing it today if the community hasn't die out. Actually this blog started because of Age of Empires and not linux screencast as some people would think. Anyways im very excited for this game since i heard they are going to have multiplayer servers, This is the one thing i need in a RTS game-- is people to play against. Im not into the AI bullshit to have fun. If Glest (Another Linux RTS Game) had this i would be ballin on that game right now.

0AD has for the most part similar to AOE3 graphics, which might slow the game play down in my opinion. But I see why they did it, since they want to improve the Linux gaming scenes and not just ugly graphics that we are use to in most of these open source projects. Another thing is that since this is an open source game, I am confident that the community will never die for a very long long time, if they keep adding new units, features, improvements -- man anyone can play this forever. But that is just my wish for now until I see how the gameplay will come out in the future release.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...I am going to try it out too.
    It and Glest is like the only... :/
