Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Single Click vs Double Click

Was reading on this (

There is alot of benefits to single click, is faster, less work, less injuries lols. Overall more efficient, but there are few pitfalls to it also. Now the majority of your time is mainly opening and or navigating thru folders and launching it, which single click rules in this area. But, when it comes to selection of the file, this is where it sucks. You don't really select files more than you navigate on a daily basis. However this is still something that you do, like select a file to rename or delete, which you can not do very easily with single click mode. Most people will tell you to hold Ctrl (requires 2 hands = defeats the purpose) to select or highlight on the white spaces (all of which is clumsy). Then you get these KDE fanboys telling you to use the plus sign to select. To those people i say, the plus sign is Stupid, is slow, you have to really concentrate on where you click and if you mess up, gotta do it all over, try using that in Icon, list and column view, then you'll understand what I am saying.

However i am enjoying single click again, mainly because i figure out a way to remedy the selection problem associated with single click mode, with easystroke at the moment. You dont have to using two hands, but you use two fingers (trigger + button 1) to select either one or multiples files really easy

Note: You need to install easystroke and xautomation, assuming your right handed, use Button3 as trigger, and record stroke bind with Button1

This emulates the Ctrl + Click that you would do. So far im enjoying single click thanks to this.


  1. Speakin of Easystroke, I used some effort and made a snappyish video demonstrating it:

    Hopefully you can approve the use of 'ubuntu' tag you gave a good rant about in one of your vids :P

    I like your attitude, keep the videos coming. You're my number one Ubuntu tip&tricker at the moment.


  2. cool demo, i approve loL

    Thanks for the props
